August, 2023: 2-1-1 hotlines connect people in need with local community resources and vital services


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2-1-1 hotlines connect people in need with local community resources and vital services

2-1-1 services in the United States respond to more than twenty-one million requests from families and individuals for help with accessing essential community services every year. 2-1-1 can help people with needs such as accessing and obtaining healthcare services, recovering from a disaster, obtaining food, finding shelter, or paying bills can talk confidentially for free at any time of day or night with trained community resource specialists.  These specialists, often volunteers, listen to callers’ concerns, and assist them with accessing information, resources, and services. At a community level, 2-1-1 services play a significant role in addressing social determinants of health by assisting community members with many needs. 2-1-1 services can also link people looking for opportunities to volunteer with agencies and assistance programs. Typically, a combination of public and private funding sources and charitable donations support 2-1-1 services in each state. 2-1-1 is an “N11” code administered by the Federal Communications Commission.  2-1-1 programs’ services, resources, and capabilities vary between states.

To access the 2-1-1 services listed below by voice dial 2-1-1 using a telephone, or by internet web browser navigate to any of the respective websites using a computer, tablet, or smartphone that has internet access.  Colorado’s 2-1-1 service is also available by text messaging using a cellular mobile phone. Colorado and Nevada 2-1-1 services offer a text-based chat capability via their respective websites. Arizona and Nevada 2-1-1 services offer iOS and Android apps for smartphones and tablets. 

Included below are: the types of 2-1-1 services available in, and website links for, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada; links to the national 2-1-1 website and its “Find a local 211” search function; links to Arizona and Nevada 2-1-1 website listings of tribal and government resources; and a list of selected references.

2-1-1 Arizona Information and Referral Services program is a nonprofit started in 1970 and acquired by Solari in 2017.

Operators help individuals and families find locally available resources throughout the state, and provide connections to critical services that can improve and save lives, including:

  • Supplemental food and nutrition programs
  • Shelter and housing options
  • Utilities assistance
  • Employment and education opportunities
  • Emergency information and disaster relief
  • Services for veterans
  • Health care, vaccination, and health epidemic information
  • Addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
  • Re-entry assistance for ex-offenders
  • Support groups for individuals with mental illnesses or special needs
  • A safe, confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic violence and more.

2-1-1 Arizona - A Program of Solari  (

2-1-1 Colorado, activated in 2002, serves all counties through the support of seven nonprofit organizations.

Operators can help individuals and families access information and services centered around:

  • Covid-19
  • Basic needs and financial
  • Housing and shelter
  • Food assistance
  • Crisis and emergency
  • Health services
  • Aging and disability
  • Mental health and substance use disorders
  • Pregnancy and new parents
  • Childcare and education
  • Children and youth with special needs
  • Employment
  • Tax assistance
  • Legal issues
  • Immigration and refugees
  • Summer camps

2-1-1 Colorado (

Nevada’s 2-1-1 is a program of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and administered by Money Management International.

Examples of 2-1-1 Nevada resources include:

  • Housing and shelter
  • Disability Services
  • Food insecurity
  • Behavioral and mental health
  • Adult protective services
  • Infants and children
  • Health care
  • Addiction
  • Youth and young adults
  • Human or sexual exploitation
  • Seniors
  • Licensed health facilities
  • Victims of crime
  • Transportation
  • Veterans
  • Utility assistance
  • Local and seasonal events
  • Crisis hotlines
  • Family support
  • Covid-19

Nevada 2-1-1 Health and Human Services (

New Mexico’s 2-1-1 phone system connects callers to help with similar issues, including basic needs, consumer services, criminal justice and legal services, education, environmental and public health/safety, health care, income support and employment, individual and family life, mental health and substance abuse services, community services, and target populations.
2-1-1 services in New Mexico are supported by regional United Ways:
Arizona and Nevada 2-1-1 websites each list tribal and government resources.
Selected References:
The Southwest Telehealth Resource Center serves Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and the Four Corners Region. 

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Reach out to Mari Herreras at mherreras@telemedicine.arizona