For Healthcare Providers

HHS: Provider Tip Sheet: Talking to Families Using Telehealth for Children with Special Needs

SWTRC: Healthcare Interstate Compacts within SWTRC Region

Resource Document on Best Practices in Synchronous Videoconferencing-Based Telemental Health

HRSA: Tip Sheet: Telehealth Privacy Tips for Providers

HHS: Telehealth for Diabetes Management – Best Practice Guide

NCDHHS: Communication Access for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind Patients and their Providers

HHS:  Telehealth for Chronic Conditions

HHS:  Telehealth for Oral Health

HHS: Telehealth for HIV Care Best Practice Guide 

HHS: Best Practice Guide: Telehealth for Rural Areas

HHS: Emergency Plans for Telehealth Visits

HHS: Using Telehealth for Hybrid Care Best Practice Guide

HHS: Privacy and Security for Telehealth Best Practice Guide

National Center for Interstate Compacts

HHS: Preparing patients for telehealth

HHS: Getting patients set up with telehealth technology

HHS: Preparing patients to protect their health data privacy

HHS: Conduct a Telehealth Physical Exam

HHS: Telehealth resources for health care providers, including doctors, practitioners, and hospital staff

HHS: Resource for Health Care Providers on Educating Patients about Privacy and Security Risks to Protected Health Information when Using Remote Communication Technologies for Telehealth

AHRQ: Safety Program for Telemedicine: Improving Antibiotic Use

AHRQ: Implement a Comprehensive Telemedicine Program to Improve your Practice's Cancer Diagnostic Process and Antibiotic Use

CMS: Medicare Learning Network Fact Sheet: Telehealth Services (June 2023)