Funding and Grant Opportunities
There are many funding and grant opportunities for community and health-related organizations wanting to increase broadband capabilities and bring in needed funds for unique community health programming. Here’s a list of funding sources in the Southwest focused on broadband and health:
Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona
Grants | Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona (
The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona (LFSAZ) is a private foundation that grants funds to nonprofit organizations promoting population health and community wellness in Cochise and eastern Santa Cruz counties.
Arizona Systems Change Grants
Grants Archive - Vitalyst Health
Vitalyst Health Foundation provides Systems Change Grants for collaborative work designed to transform systems through changes to policies and practices to improve health in Arizona communities. Applicants from tribes and rural areas are encouraged to apply. Successful applications will propose projects designed to make a significant, sustainable impact that address the intersection of 2 or more elements of a healthy community through an equity lens.
Flinn Foundation Seed Grants Program
Seed Grants Program - Flinn Foundation
The Flinn Foundation’s 2022 Seed Grants to Promote Translational Research Program is funding 10 research teams, affiliated with an Arizona university, research institution, or health-care system, focused on advancing new products or services to improve patient care. The proposed projects must address compelling clinical needs in the areas of precision medicine, diagnostics, devices, therapeutics, or health-care-delivery processes and have significant potential to turn bench results into viable products or systems impacting patients in Arizona and beyond. |
Colorado Broadband Deployment Board Grant Cycles
The Broadband Fund | DORA - COPRRR (
Access to broadband has a strong correlation with economic well-being. Nationwide, the impact it has on the communities it connects is real and measurable. The Broadband Fund exists to connect communities and fuel economic growth in unserved areas across Colorado. The Broadband Deployment Board provides grants through the Broadband Fund to deploy broadband service in unserved areas of the state. The Board has awarded $19.6 million in grants to 29 projects since 2016. As a result, over 17,000 rural households across Colorado will benefit from Broadband Internet access.
Anschutz Family Foundation Grants
Funding Details: Anschutz Family Foundation Grants - Rural Health Information Hub
The Anschutz Family Foundation provides grants to organizations in Colorado that work to strengthen families and communities and help individuals become productive and responsible citizens. In 2021, 45% of funding was dedicated to efforts in rural Colorado.
Colorado Capital Infrastructure – Increasing Access to Care for Coloradans of Color
Funding Opportunity: Capital Infrastructure – Increasing Access to Care for Coloradans of Color | The Colorado Health Foundation
This funding opportunity is designed to improve the capacity of clinics to serve more Coloradans of color with high-quality, comprehensive team-based primary care centered on patients’ preferences, needs and values. It will provide shovel-ready capital funding to safety net practices in Colorado. |
Broadband Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities (
Grants are funded on a competitive basis. The evaluation criteria and selection process is outlined in each Request for Applications (RFA). Each grant proposal is evaluated by a team of experts assembled by OSIT. Generally, proposals are evaluated based on: the quality of the proposal and adherence to RFA guidelines; the ability of the organization to accomplish the proposal’s goals; and the impact the proposal will have on Nevada. Applicants that are awarded funding are required to submit regular fiscal and programmatic reports that detail progress toward agreed upon performance metrics and meet State and/or federal reporting guidelines. Awarded projects are subject to inspection and testing prior to final reimbursement.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on Barriers to Care and Risk of HIV-Associated Comorbidities among Vulnerable Population Groups
NOT-HL-22-010: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on barriers to care and risk of HIV-associated comorbidities among vulnerable population groups (
This opportunity is a Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) for research that analyzes barriers to care and risk of HIV-associated comorbidities among disproportionally vulnerable and affected population groups of people living with or at risk for HIV infection.
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Community-Based Behavioral Health Services and Support
SAPTAGrants (
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is intended to solicit applications from private, public, non-profit and coalitions for the Community Mental Health and the Community Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency Block Grant funds which includes COVID-19 Supplemental and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Behavioral Health grants reflect Nevada's health care system's strong emphasis on coordinated and integrated care along with the need to improve services for persons in crisis or with behavioral health disorders. These funds will provide Nevada the opportunity to focus on the specific needs of our State to address gaps in the behavioral health delivery system and crisis services focusing on direct and preventative services. |
Connect New Mexico Pilot Program
Connect New Mexico Pilot Program - New Mexico Department of Information Technology (
The Connect New Mexico Pilot Program (“Pilot Program”) aims to bridge the digital divide and foster socioeconomic progress by providing infrastructure grants for broadband deployment to unserved and underserved communities across New Mexico.
CDC Traditional Food Sovereignty and Tribal Workforce Development Fellowship
Zintellect - Climb Higher
The Centers for Disease Control offers a one year fellowship in Albuquerque, New Mexico working with the Healthy Tribes Program. The program is designed to strengthen the public health infrastructure, promote cultural and traditional practices that support health and wellness, and integrate evidence-based chronic disease interventions to improve the health of tribal communities.
New Mexico McCune Charitable Foundation Grants
Apply - McCune Charitable Foundation (
McCune Charitable Foundation Grants are awarded to New Mexico community-based organizations working in one of the following areas: leveraging opportunities in healthcare, local food industry development, strategies for rural development, capacity building in the nonprofit sector, economic development and family asset building, education transformation, building links between arts and community engagement, stewardship of community and natural resources, and influencing planning of built environments. |

Tribal |
NTIA Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program | National Telecommunications and Information Administration (
A $980 million program directed to tribal governments to be used for broadband deployment on tribal lands, as well as for telehealth, distance learning, broadband affordability, and digital inclusion.
NTIA Digital Equity Program
Digital Equity Programs | BroadbandUSA (
Too many communities lack access to high-speed internet. Many more can't afford it or don't know how to use it. The divide between those who have internet access and those who don't is stark. To create an equitable economy, we all need access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet.
The Digital Equity Act provides $2.75 billion to establish three grant programs that promote digital equity and inclusion. They aim to ensure that all people and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy.
Support for 988 Tribal Response Cooperative Agreements
Funding Details: Support for 988 Tribal Response Cooperative Agreements - Rural Health Information Hub
Resources to improve response to 988 crisis contacts (including calls, chats, and texts) originating in tribal communities and/or activated by American Indians/Alaskan Natives. |

National |
State Digital Equity Program
Department of Commerce - State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program | BroadbandUSA (
The Digital Equity Act, established by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), dedicates $2.75 billion to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have access to the skills and tools needed to for full participation in the society and economy of the United States. The goal of these programs is to promote digital inclusion and advance equity for all to ensure all communities have affordable access and can use the Internet to improve their lives, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants.
State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program: $60 million formula grant program for states and territories to develop digital equity plans.
FCC Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program
FCC Establishes Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program | Federal Communications Commission
The Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program will provide funding to support eligible partners in their outreach efforts to increase awareness of the ACP. In the Order, the FCC recognizes the importance of accessible outreach and strongly encourages grantees to make ACP outreach funded through the grant program accessible to individuals with disabilities. A key objective of the grant program is to expand and support diverse and impactful outreach efforts to diverse communities, including persons with disabilities. The FCC encourages entities of all types and diverse organizations, including organizations serving, led, or owned by persons with disabilities, to submit applications for the Outreach Grant Program once a Notice of Funding Opportunity is released.
Barclay-Giel Seed Grants
Barclay-Giel Seed Grants - PHS (
Grants for public health projects that have a strong disease and/or injury prevention component that impacts the health of a community by promoting wellness, early detection, and early interventions. Past awards have been given for projects in rural and tribal communities.
Funding for Your Telehealth Initiatives and Upcoming Grant Programs Webinar
The Southwest Telehealth Resource Center and Arizona Telemedicine Program hosted a recent webinar on Funding for Your Telehealth Initiatives and Upcoming Grant Programs with Learn, Design, Apply, Inc. If you weren’t able to join in live, you can watch the webinar here.
The Southwest Telehealth Resource Center serves Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and the Four Corners Region.